Aurore Garnier is a French artist living and working in Glasgow. After gaining a Bachelor of Architecture degree she studied at the National Decorative Art School of Paris and the Mackintosh School of Architecture.


Her work questions the limits between attraction and repulsion generated by the animal world. Being all at once trophy, corpse, memorial and ornament, taxidermy is a powerful symbol of paradoxical relations: It reflects an attempt of subjugation and sacralization through their reification.


Every architectural space is measured relative to the human body’s dimensions. What do they become once uninhabited, or populated by animals? Her drawings deal with losing the notion of scale. The materiality of angles is developed in an ethereal spatiality; the streets lead to nowhere.


Everything is a question of scale. She likes the moon, the climatic changes, the immensity of the universe and the tightening around the intensity of feelings. The smallness and magnitude of our cellular system.

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